Where is the order shipped from?
Usually, it is shipped from China. Some items are shipped locally by the carrier.
Our designer buyers carefully select all items sold in our store. Make sure you can buy high-quality products.
When will send out the order?
Mostly, complete the shipment process in 3 business days.
In case of legal holidays, it may be delayed including the holiday time.
Please pay attention to check our store notice.
Why is there no tracking information after shipment?
We use our delivery model. The best carrier will be selected to process your order.
Once the carrier receives your item, we will email your order updates.
Who will bear the customs duties of the destination country?
We only cover the sales tax of the order destination country, not the import duties of the order destination country.
What does ‘Free Return’ mean?
This means you can return your item within 7 days of receipt.
VIP Life members can return items within 30 days of receipt.
To ensure that you can return the item, please contact us as soon as you receive the item. And explain the reason for the return and attach photos. You may need to bear additional logistics costs.